Friday, December 12, 2008

Shock and Awe

Not the military campaign, silly, Little Bug's current campaign around our house. All day yesterday I was on cloud nine- nothing could bring me down. I couldn't help but be so excited for him. What next? What will he do? That's all I could think. Apparently, he was considering ways to one up his performance from Wednesday because he busted out the following words last night:

Ow-si (Outside)

But there's more- these were all spontaneous. That's right- no repeating words, no prompts of "Look and Listen. Little Bug- SH- EE- EP. Little Bug do- SH- EE- EP."

What was even more flabbergasting was how casual they came about- he walked up to me with a piece of cheese and said- CHEESE! and then just wandered off leaving me to stand in the middle of the living room with my jaw on the floor and tears streaming down my face. And it just kept escalating. We watched Toy Story last night and Bo's sheep are being threatened by RC and Little Bug looked at me and said, " Daddee! OH NO SHEEP!"

I don't know what happened and I am afraid if we start analyzing, we will only make things more difficult. Please read this post from Both Hands and a Flashlight as it perfectly describes what I mean:

(Psst- do me a favor and tell whoever you believe in- the universe, God, Lord Shiva, buddha- thank you.)

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