Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Trees

They are maddening- not them themselves, but Little Bug's reaction. He likes to lay under the tree and flap because of the way the lights look when you move your hands really, really fast in front of your eyes. Which is kinda cute until he sticks his legs into the middle of the tree and gets stuck- then not so funny anymore.

We put it up yesterday and spent most of the day saying one of the following phrases:

  • Christmas lights aren't for eating- for looking
  • Don't put your eye on the Christmas tree
  • Don't chew the ornaments
  • Please get your legs out from inside the tree.

These all sound like minor things, but at times it does get maddening. We replaced all our ornaments with shatter proof ones so that he can't hurt himself. We have tethered the tree to the wall and minimized the number of ornaments. Hopefully, he will get used to the newness of this. Last year, he didn't do much of the flapping and didn't really bother the ornaments- he would just stand in front of the lights and look out of the corner of his eye at them.

We went to Zoo Lights and he has such a great time. They now have a shark exhibit and he loved it! We sat by the sharks for about 45 minutes or so and then saw the fish for about 30 minutes.

1 comment:

Life on Pause said...

This sounds so funny. I just pictured LB with his feet in the middle of the tree saying "Daee!! Help Daee!!"

I know it proly wasn't....but from an outsiders perspective it may make for a laugh. I'm sorry I'm so bad.

See you guys soon right?!