Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ee Ee Yumpy Shark!

Little Bug said his first sentence last night since his regression in both sign and speech. His last sentence was at 11 months- I DID IT! He has lost a lot of language since then- he tested at 9 months of development for both receptive and expressive speech. But, he has made a ton of progress.

One thing that has helped his progress is his obsessions. Although he doesn't have a lot of language, he talks about them constantly. The first thing out of his mouth in the morning and the last thing before he goes to sleep is SHARKS! He also loves fish and trains. They work for us as we can make them incentives. So much so that we have thought of making him a shirt that says- WILL WORK FOR FISH. Last night, we were watching a Discovery Channel special about the sharks off of South Africa that jump during predations against fur seals. The shark got the seal and Little Bug yelled- Ee ee Yummpy Shark!!!!! Which, when translated, means Eat, eat jumping shark! He signed while saying it.

Another development we had yesterday was colors. We know he knows his colors- he can match them, etc. but getting him to name them or point to a specific color has never happened due to his language delay. He was 4 for 5 last night on matching! He also demonstrated quite a few new signs:


New Words:
Yump- Jump
Ru- Red

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