Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Word Association

Think of what you ate for dinner last night. How would you describe it? Many people would use words like good, soft, chewy, spicy, sweet. Little Bug was having dinner and doing his usual "Mmmm...MMMmmMM." with every bite. I asked him if it was good- by sign and speech. He looked at me and said, "No, Daddee. feen (GREEN in sign), Ru (RED in sign), Purple." We talked about the colors and how those weren't any of the colors on his plate. When I asked him again if it was good, he gave the same answer, adamant that those words described his food.

At first, I was incredulous- he doesn't know his colors? I know he knows he colors! But then I thought, what if those colors are representative of things that he associate good feelings. Sure enough, his favorite shark is GREEN. Lightning McQueen is Red. Lady the engine is Purple. Now, it could be coincidence, but I honestly doubt it. Little Bug associate things in ways that always take me a while to figure out, but they are always there.


Life on Pause said...

That's pretty amazing....and if he can do it, it may open a lot of doors for you guys. If he could use colors or toys to describe how he feels??

That would be cool.

Hope to see y'all soon!

Kristy said...

When I was little, I remember distinctly that each color of the rainbow was associated with a feeling or an emotion. I used to describe things with colors too. May not just be an ASD thing...