Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just call him Capt. Literal

Little Bug has always been very literal. Now that he is truly understanding language, it is interesting to see how he understands/perceives things. For example, I told him to put his sippy cup in the kitchen- meaning pick it up off the floor, take it into the kitchen and put it away- sink or counter, doesn't matter.

He picked up his cup and hurried off and I thought- what a good boy! I walked into the kitchen about 20 minutes later to find said sippy cup in the middle of the kitchen floor. I didn't tell him where to put it in the kitchen, just to put it in the kitchen.

Earlier this week, I told him to get into the bathtub. He looked at me and then kinda shrugged and walked away. I walked behind him and realized that he got into the bathtub- clothes and all.

While I believe that he knows that you take your clothes off to take a bath or that sippy cups go on the counter, I also believe that when we give him instructions that leave out steps, he follows them to the letter. Not to be difficult- like I used to do- but because he truly thinks that we literally mean get into the tub exactly as you are or place your sippy cup in the kitchen.

I have a feeling this will be one of the most frustrating things for everyone involved.

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