Like it says, its tomorrow. Hopefully, things will go as planned. Hopefully, we won't have to be the total hard asses we are planning to be. I really think that with the SLP and the special education teacher we met at his evaluations running the IEP, it should be fine.
Regardless, we are prepared. We have a list of three goals for Speech, Adaptive, and Social/ Emotional development that we have come up. We are also trying to come up a Positive Behavioral Intervention Plan. Given the information about corrective actons- strapping a child into a chair designed for low tone without an explanation- we want to be sure that we have something in place.
Little Bug is humming along marveously. He is beginning to pretend in unscripted ways. Last night, his trucks had a conversation:
TRUCK 1- falls down and says- DAMMIT! (i know we need to work on that)
TRUCK 2- Help you?
TRUCK 1- Peese help!
TRUCK 2- One second, one second. (drives over rather slowly) What doing?
TRUCK 1- Fall down
TRUCK 2- It otay. Get up! (pushes Truck 1 upright)
TRUCK 1- Thank you!
TRUCK 2- Welcome! Be safe! (crashes repeatedly into our dog Frank's leg and then is carried away by his jaws of death)
Minus the swear word- which is mild considering what his daddies' have unthinkingly said- this was amazing! He didn't have anyone prompt him or help him. He just did it. Now, we just need to transfer this over to actual interaction with people- especially peers. Interaction never goes this way in real life.
Good luck! We'll be thinking about you all. Believe me - we remember how incredibly stressful this is. We hope Little Bug gets everything he needs and that many sighs of relief can be breathed when it's done.
He is doing some amazing things these days! Go Little Bug!
That is awesome! Don't beat yourself up too badly about the swearing...I hear Bryce saying some choice words when he thinks we're out of earshot. It's quite humbling...
Anxiously awaiting a good report for tomorrow! Don't keep us in suspense!
Bug is so cute! I'm amazed how much he's progressed since I first met him. I can't wait to see him at the birthday!
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