Thursday, December 10, 2009

Santa Claus

We took Little Bug on the local Santa Train, thinking that this would be a better way for him to meet Santa. While he didn’t cry or yell, he did banish Santa to the other side of the train. Santa was permitted to sit next to him briefly for a picture- a very tense picture in which Little Bug appears to be attempting to will Santa to move with his glare of doom.

That night, Little Bug decided he wanted to write Santa a note. He first had to scour the magazines in the house for the picture of the toy he wanted. Then he taped it to a piece of paper and wrote his name at the bottom. Yep, wrote his name. Not necessarily in a linear fashion, but all 6 letters are there clear as day.

Next, he instructed me to write the letter. I started with Dear Santa-, however Little Bug felt that we should address him by his first and last name. So, we wrote Dear Santa Claus. Next, Little Bug instructed me to write “I want Hiro and Sodor Steamworks.” This was to be followed by “PSTUV” and then signed by Daddy Nick and Daddy Blake. Little Bug then took over the letter and drew a picture. When asked what the picture and PSTUV where for, he replied, “A supise for my daddies!”

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